
Neuroblastoma in adults: diagnosis and treatment

  • 摘要: 神经母细胞瘤是儿童期常见恶性实体瘤,其临床表现及转归异质性很强,临床诊断复杂,需结合影像检查结果、病理细胞形态及免疫组化、基因及分子生物、手术切除范围等几个方面综合评价,根据临床分期并考虑不良预后因素的数量等指标按危险程度分级诊断,并据此制定相应综合治疗方案。成人病例临床罕见,尚缺乏相关诊治规范,诊断及治疗可参照儿童神经母细胞瘤诊治标准实施,现介绍1例成人病例,确诊为神经母细胞瘤4期,全身化疗后病情明显缓解,具有进一步外科手术指征,可作为多学科协作综合治疗有效的经验,对其他类似患者的诊治提供思路和方向。


    Abstract: Neuroblastoma (NB) is a common malignant solid tumor that occurs during childhood; it has a significant heterogeneity in clinical symptoms and outcome. NB diagnosis is complicated, and various clinical techniques are often involved in examining imagery, cellular morphology, immunohistochemical staining, gene and molecule biology, and operation excision scope. Diagnoses are graded based on danger extent, which is indicated by clinical stages and unfavorable prognosis factors. These characteristics are the basis for formulating the corresponding synthetic treatment plan. Limited studies are available on treatment norms for adult cases of NB; such cases are currently diagnosed and treated in accordance with child NB diagnosis and treatment norms. An adult patient diagnosed with NB stage 4 is presented. This patient experienced obvious relief from the symptoms after whole body chemotherapy, with further surgery operation indications. This successful case of multi-disciplinary joint diagnosis and cooperative treatment may provide potential treatment techniques for similar patients.


