
Analysis of cervical cancer prevention and control in Jiangxi

  • 摘要: 子宫颈癌目前仍是我国女性尤其是农村妇女中最常见的生殖器官恶性肿瘤。在HPV疫苗等一级预防尚未在我国进行大规模人群研究的阶段,寻求一种适合国情的科学合理、成本低廉、适于在农村地区推广的子宫颈癌二级预防模式仍然是防治的重点。江西省靖安县曾是我国子宫颈癌的高发地区,通过近40年来的低成本早诊早治方法有效地降低了子宫颈癌的死亡率和检出率,并逐步形成了有自身特色的“靖安模式”,为我国农村地区、乃至全世界欠发达地区子宫颈癌防治提供了可借鉴的模式。


    Abstract: Cervical cancer is the most common malignant cancer in reproductive organ among females in China, particularly in rural areas. Primary prevention human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination was not performed on a large scale, according to a population-based study in China. Therefore, we aimed to develop a secondary cervical cancer prevention model. Such model would be suitable for national conditions in China, scientific and reasonable, of low cost, and ideal for popularization in rural areas. Jing'an county in Jiangxi province was the high risk area of cervical cancer in China. The methods of early diagnosis and treatment effectively reduced the mortality and the detection rates of cervical cancer for 40 years. The characteristics of the "Jing'an model" were gradually developed. "Jing'an model" can be used for cervical cancer prevention and control in China's rural areas and can be applied in other developing areas worldwide.


