
Goals for the treatment of multiple myeloma in the era of novel agents

  • 摘要: 多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma,MM)的治疗已经进入新型靶向药物时代。在新药时代,MM的治疗有效率和患者的生存期均获得明显提升,但仍然不能治愈。如何确定目前MM患者治疗目标自然成为血液学工作者共同关注的话题。研究显示,患者的长期生存与能否获得高质量的缓解密切相关。完全缓解、严格的完全缓解、分子水平缓解、免疫表型缓解以及PET-CT等不同水平的缓解正在成为人们努力探索的治疗目标。但在临床实践中,还应注意疗效与毒副反应的平衡,不能一味追求缓解深度。


    Abstract: The treatment of multiple myeloma has become possible in the era of novel agents. Novel agents have dramatically improved the response rates of multiple myeloma (MM) and have extended the survival of patients even if MM remains an incurable disease. Determining the treatment goals of MM has become a major challenge for clinicians in the era of novel agents. Many results show the correlation between response depth and patients' survival. Complete remission (CR), stringent CR, phenotypic CR, and CRs at the molecular and PET-CT levels are being explored and becoming the goals of MM treatment. Doctors should balance efficacy with adverse effects in daily clinical practice to avoid the blind pursuit of a high and deep response rate.


