
The standardization of diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma

  • 摘要: 随着多发性骨髓瘤的诊断技术以及治疗手段的不断提升,该疾病的诊断标准以及疗效评判标准也在不断变化,规范化的诊断以及治疗是个性化治疗的基石。目前国内仍存在诊断、疗效评估以及治疗方面的不规范,例如用血清蛋白电泳而非免疫固定电泳进行诊断,用免疫球蛋白总量来代替M蛋白,依赖形态来判定浆细胞的良恶性,将部分淋巴细胞疾病误诊为骨髓瘤,对预后分层重视不足,自体造血干细胞移植的比例偏低,疗效评估用免疫球蛋白总量而非M蛋白进行评估等。规范化的诊治,才可使国内外的交流达成一致,并在统一平台上完成临床的合作。


    Abstract: The criteria for diagnosis and assessment of therapeutic effects has changed with the rapid development in diagnostic technology and treatment for multiple myeloma (MM). The standardized diagnosis and treatment are the cornerstone of individualized therapy. At present, standardization is lacking in MM diagnosis and treatment in China. In China, serum protein electrophoresis is used but not immunofixation, immunoglubin is used instead of M protein for diagnosis, morphology of the plasma cell is used to determine malignancy of the plasma cell, and some lymphomas are misdiagnosed as MM. The prognostic stratification is overshadowed and the number of patients who received autologous transplantation was much lower compared with other countries. The standardization of the diagnosis and treatment criteria in China will ensure better communication with other countries about MM and promote cooperation.


