
Current status of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction after local recurrence from previous breast conservation therapy

  • 摘要: 在全球范围内,保乳术及整形保乳术在乳腺癌外科治疗中逐渐被广泛应用。对于保乳术后同侧乳房局部复发患者,相当一部分因会选择补救性全乳切除,面临着乳房缺失问题。这部分患者因有胸壁放疗史,并多进行过系统治疗,因此行乳房再造时具有一定的特殊性,需引起手术医师的重视。为给予手术医师手术方案的制定提供线索与帮助,本文将从肿瘤学安全性、术后近远期并发症、术后美学效果方面对解救性乳房切除术联合即刻乳房再造进行综述。


    Abstract: Breast conservation surgery and oncoplastic breast surgery have been increasingly used for surgically managing breast cancer worldwide. For most patients with ipsilateral local recurrence after breast conservation therapy, salvage mastectomy is required, rendering them to a state of loss of breast mounds. Because most patients have a history of prior chest wall radiation and systemic therapy, breast reconstruction has unique characteristics and requires special considerations in these patients. A literature review was performed to summarize oncological safety, short-and long-term postoperative complications, and postoperative esthetic results for patients who undergo salvage mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction to provide evidence to better assist surgeons in surgical planning and management of patients.


