18F-FDG PET显像在鼻咽癌诊断治疗中的价值

Clinical Evaluation of 18F-FDG PET Imaging in Diagnosis and Therapy of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  • 摘要: 摘要目的:探讨18F-FDGPET显像在鼻咽癌诊断治疗中的价值。方法:35例鼻咽癌PET与同期CT、MRI、骨ECT诊断结果比较分析,全部经病理组织学证实。结果:35例鼻咽癌PET与临床和CT、MRI、骨ECT诊断相符31例(88.6%),诊断不符4例(11.4%),其中真阴性2例和假阴性2例,1例ECT疑为多处骨转移,PET未发现核素浓聚改变,随访排除了骨转移;1例MRI疑为复发,PET未发现核素浓聚改变,病理及随访排除了复发;1例CT诊断肝转移,1例MRI诊断桥脑转移,PET均未发现核素浓聚改变。PET检测出CT、MRI和ECT未发现的转移灶6例(17.1%)。结论:18F-FDGPET对鼻咽癌定性诊断具有较高的准确性和特异性,在诊断淋巴结和远处转移方面优于CT和MRI;诊断肝、脑转移有假阴性表现,提示PET应结合CT、MRI进行综合分析,才能作出正确的诊断。


    Abstract: Objective : To investigate the clinical evaluation of 18F-FDG PET imaging in diagnosis and therapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods : 35 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma underwent 18F-FDG PET. The results of PET were evaluated and compared with CT、M R I and ECT. The patients were confirmed by pathology. Results : In 35 cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, PET finding were consistent with the CT、 MRI and ECT in 31(88.6%), but not in 4(11.4%). In 1 case with m ultiple bone metastasis, 1 case with recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 1 case with hepatic metastasis, 1 case with pons cerebelli metastasis, positive sites were not found by PET. 6 (17.1%) cases with remote metastatic lesions were detected by PET. These metastatic lesions were not detected by CT、MRI and ECT. Conclusions :18F-FDG PET is a valuable method in the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with higher accuracy and specificity. PET is superior to CT and M R I in detection of lymph node and remote metastatic lesions. False negative were found in PET imaging in detection of liver and intracranial metastatic lesions. It s the best way to combine m ultiple imaging analysis of PET and CT or MRI.


