
Clinical Analysis of Cavernous Sinus Invasion in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma:59 Cases Report

  • 摘要: 目的:探讨鼻咽癌侵犯海绵窦的临床特点和早期检出的可行性。方法:选取1998年3月~2001年12月有海绵窦侵犯的鼻咽癌59例。其中初治47例,复发再治12例。全部病例均经CT或MRI检出。分析头痛、颅底骨破坏、颅神经损害、视朦症状与海绵窦侵犯的关系。结果:59例中头痛46例(78.0%),与受累海绵窦同侧性头痛39例(84.8%),近70%头痛患者同时合并颅底骨和前组颅神经损伤。颅底骨破坏53例(89.8%),3个部位以上、开窗样的广泛骨破坏35例,占66.0%。前组颅神经受损47例(79.7%),两对以上的颅神经聚合性损伤30例,占63.8%;26例患者出现视朦症状(44.1%),其中4例早于前组颅神经损害出现视朦。结论:大多数的原发肿瘤(53/59)自鼻咽部通过颅底骨破坏区,沿扩大的孔道直接向上蔓延至海绵窦。头痛、前组颅神经损伤、视朦是主要的继发症状。视朦可能是部分海绵窦受侵病例的早期表现。


    Abstract: Objective : To analyse the likelihood of early detection for cavernous sinus invasionCSI in nasopharyngeal carcinoma NPC. Methods : From March 1998 to December 2001, the clinical records of 59 patients of NPC who detected CSI by CT or MR were retrospectively studied. Among them, 47 cases were newly diagnosed disease, 12 recurrenced disease. Analyses of the relationship between headache /skull base invasion/cranial nerve palsy and CSI were presented. Results : Headache occurred as an initial symptom in 78.0% (46/59), and mostly localized in same unilateral position in CSI(84.8%). The cranial nerves (V、VI)、 the bone of the skull base both were simultaneously affected in approximately 70% patients having headache. Invasion of the bones of the skull base was present in about 90% of CSI cases,and the most common sites of bone destruction were sphenoidal body(77.4%)、 lacerate foramen(64.2%) 、basiler clivus(54.7%), and 66.0% of these cases had over three sites of extensive bone infitration as "windowing". In our series of SCI, 47 cases showed lesions of cranial nerves, most frequent involvement for abducent nerve (38/47), and the special feature of co-existing lesion among the cranial nerves II、III、IV、V1、V2、 V3 and VI. The symptom of visual blurring was found in 26 cases with CSI (44.1%). Among these cases, the symptom appeared earlier than the nerve lesion for 4 cases, and 2 without nerve sign. Conclusions : Our findings indicate that the primary tumor directly infiltrate upward through extended area of the bone destruction into cavernous sinus.Headache、cranial nerve palsy and visual blurring are major symptoms caused by CSI, and the latter may be presented as initial complaint in partial patients with CSI in NPC.


