
The Treatment of Peutz-Jeghers' Syndrome

  • 摘要: 目的:加强临床上对黑斑息肉病是家族性疾病的认识。方法:对黑斑息肉病一家族病例临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:家系中6例患者1例可疑者,2例行肠套叠复位加肠部分切除术;1例行小肠部分切除术;1例行小肠局部切除加直肠部分切除;1例十二指肠息肉癌变行胰十二指肠切除术,1例行内窥镜下切除术。其中2例最终死于肺癌,1例死于癌变肝转移。结论:黑斑息肉病是家族性疾病,可以癌变,并可以并发其他器官的恶性肿瘤,应行终身监测。治疗首选胃镜、肠镜下切除术,外科手术力求简洁,为术后随诊创造条件。


    Abstract: Objective :To make sure that Peutz-Jeghers' Syndrome is a familial disease. Methods :Clinical data from 1 case of Peutz-Jeghers' Syndrome were analyzed retrospectively. Results :This family includes 6 patients.One was suspect;2 patients underwent Intussusception reduction and partial bowel resection;1 underwent partial small bowel resection;1 underwent partial small bowel resection and partial large bowel resection;1 underwent pancreatoduodenectomy because of carcinogenesis of Duodenal polyps;2 underwent Endoscopic eleectrocoagulation removal.Fanally,2 patents died of lung cancer,one died of liver metastasis. Conclusion :Peutz-Jeghers' Syndrome is a familial disease,which might be changed into carcinoma and accompanied with the malignant tumors of other organs.Patients should be monitored for all their life.The best choice is the resection of polyp through endoscope.Concise operation will provide good conditions for post-operative fellow-up.


