Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common malignancy type (the third leading cancer type worldwide). Early detection and resection of colorectal polyps can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer-related morbidity and mortality, and colonoscopy is the gold standard for colorectal cancer screening. Colorectal polyp classification during colonoscopy can predict colorectal polyp histopathology by observing the morphology of glandular openings, capillaries (microvessels), and the surface microstructure of the diseased mucosa. Such polyp classification is widely used and plays an important role in guiding formulation of a treatment plan. The main classification schema include Paris classification, Sano classification, NICE classification, JNET classification, and pit pattern classification. This article reviews the diagnostic performance and clinical significance of common clinical endoscopic colorectal polyp classification schema. By analyzing the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, advantages, and disadvantages of each classification scheme, we aim to provide a reference for selecting the most appropriate endoscopic classification scheme for clinical use.