
Clinical Significance of Exposure of the Laryngeal Recurrent Nerve in Gastro-esophagus Anastomosis in the Surgery for Esophageal Carcinoma

  • 摘要: 目的:探讨食管中下段癌切除后行左颈部食管胃颈部吻合,术中暴露喉返神经与不暴露喉返神经对比的应用价值。方法:选择2003年1 月至2009年4 月对237 例行左侧胸后外切口切除食管鳞癌,并行左颈部切口食管、胃颈部吻合。总计237 例分成2 组:A 组(研究组)115 例,均暴露喉返神经,男64例,女51例,年龄31~73岁,平均年龄49岁;B 组(对照组)122 例,男51例,女71例,年龄33~75岁,平均年龄45岁,本组均不暴露喉返神经。两组共有9 例出现喉返神经损伤症状。结果:A 组术后出现发音嘶哑,饮水咳呛,咳痰效果差1 例,占手术发生率0.087%(1/115),B 组出现发音嘶哑,咳呛,咳痰效果差8 例,占手术发生率6.56% 。两组喉返神经损伤差异具有显著性统计学意义(P<0.05)。 对两组食管癌切除,左颈食管吻合术时与两组对比,A 组暴露喉返神经可使术后颈喉返神经损伤率明显低于B 组不暴露喉返神经,可避免喉返神经损伤并发症,减少发音困难,减少进食咳呛,使咳痰效果佳而减少肺部并发症,能使患者早日康复。结论:本研究提示食管胃左颈吻合暴露喉返神经具有临床应用价值,值得推广。


    Abstract: Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of exposure of laryngeal recurrent nerve in left neck gas -tro-esophagus anastomosis in the surgery for middle/lower esophageal carcinoma. Methods:From January 2003 to April 2009, 237 cases of esophageal carcinoma received gastro-esophagus anastomosis on the left neck. All cases were patho -logically identified as squamous cell carcinoma. The 237 case were divided into two groups. Group A ( 115 cases) had expo-sure of laryngeal recurrent nerve. There were 64males and 51females in group A, ranged in age from 31to 73years with a mean of 49years. Group B ( 122 cases) did not have laryngeal recurrent nerve exposed during surgery. There were 51 males and 71females in group B, ranged in age from 33to 75years with a mean age 45years. Results:A total of 9 cases had symptoms of laryngeal recurrent nerve injury in the two groups. One patient in group A appeared hoarseness, irritation and cough. Eight patients in group B appeared hoarseness, irritation and cough. The difference in the incidence of injury of laryngeal recurrent nerve was significant between the two groups ( P<0.05). Conclusion:Exposure of laryngeal recurrent nerve in left neck gastro-esophagus anastomosis in the surgery for middle/lower esophageal carcinom resulted in lower in-cidence of injury of laryngeal recurrent nerve and is recommended.


