
Research status on the risk factors for postoperative mortality and morbidity in gastric cancer patients after gastrectomy

  • 摘要: 尽管胃癌治疗的手术技术及手术器械不断进步,但是随着老年胃癌患者手术率逐步增加,同时合并疾病比例也在增加,致使胃癌手术风险仍然居高不下。降低胃癌患者术后并发症发生率及死亡率成为胃癌围手术期管理的重要任务。影响胃癌手术风险因素很多,包括年龄、肿瘤分期、ASA 评分、POSSUM 评分、合并疾病、医院手术量、医师手术量、淋巴结清扫范围、联合脏器切除、手术方式等多方面。本文就胃癌手术风险及影响因素最新研究现状作一综述。


    Abstract: Despite the gradual improvement in surgical treatment techniques and surgical instruments, the complications and mortality of gastric cancer patients after gastrectomy remain high because of an increased proportion of advanced age and incidence of preoperative morbidity in these patients. Therefore, reducing the peri-operative adverse outcomes in gastrectomy is highly significant. According to published literature, the risk factors of morbidity and mortality may include age, TNM stage, ASA score, POSSUM score, complication, surgeon workload, hospital operation volume, lymphadenectomy scope, combined multiple organ resection, and gastrecto -my type. This review summarizes the recent progress in the risk factors for the mortality and morbidity of gastrectomy.


