FAK 与肿瘤关系的研究进展
Research progress on the relationship between FAK and cancer
摘要: 着斑激酶(focal adhesion kinase ,FAK )是一种细胞质内的蛋白酪氨酸激酶(protein tyrosine kinase ,PTK ),因其与细胞粘附功能密切相关而得名。近年来,人们对FAK 的了解逐渐深入,国内外大量研究表明FAK 在多种肿瘤组织中表达增高,并与肿瘤的多个过程有着密切的关系。FAK 已经成为新的肿瘤治疗靶点之一,为肿瘤的治疗带来新的方法和希望。Abstract: Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a type of protein tyrosine kinase in the cytoplasm, is highly expressed in many types of malignant tumors. FAK is named as such because of its close relationship with the cell adhesion function. Recent studies show that FAK is expressed in many tumor cells and has a definite relationship with cancer progress, metastasis, and prognosis. Accordingly, FAK has become one of the new tumor therapeutic targets that will bring new methods for tumor therapy.