
Recent progress on the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer

  • 摘要: 肺癌是世界范围内癌症相关死亡的首要病因。近年来,非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer ,NSCLC )的治疗取得了巨大进步。人们对肺癌病理组织学认识不断深入,根据病理组织分型制订了相应的化疗方案。此外随着对分子生物学研究的发展,人们发现了在肿瘤发生发展过程中的驱动性基因突变,并以此研发了一系列针对不同分子亚型的靶向药物。本文将结合近期一系列临床研究结果,对晚期NSCLC 的临床治疗策略进行论述。


    Abstract: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Significant advancements have been observed in the thera -py for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). With constant extension of new awareness regarding the histopathology of lung cancer, ho-mologous chemotherapeutic regimens have been developed on the basis of histopathological sub-typing methods. With developments in molecular biology, driving gene mutations during tumorigenesis and progression have been discovered. A series of targeted drugs for various molecular subtypes has also been investigated and developed on the basis of these mutations. This review summarizes recently published clinical outcomes on the management of advanced NSCLC and strategies to apply drugs in clinical treatments.


