Objective:Previous studies suggested that the - 308G/A allele in the tumor necrosis factor- α (TNF- α ) gene promoter (- 308G/A) may be a potential risk factor for inflammatory diseases and tumor progression. However, only a few studies have focused on the -308 polymorphism of TNF-α gene with primary lung cancer in Chinese population. This study aims to evaluate the role of TNF-α - 308G/A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and the risk of primary lung cancer in Chinese population. Methods:A total of 250 patients and 447 healthy individuals (control group) were involved in this study. Genotyping was performed using TaqMan technology. Results: The frequencies of (GG), (A/G), and (A/G+AA) genotypes of -308G/A SNP in TNF-α gene were183 (73.2%),67(26.8%), and 67(26.8%) in the patients, and406 (90.8%),39(8.7%), and41(9.2%) in the control group, respectively. The distribution of poly-morphism frequencies in the case group and the control group showed a statistically significant difference for the Chinese population (P<0.05). Conclusion:Results indicated that TNF-α gene polymorphism at position -308G/A is associated with susceptibility to lung cancer in Chinese Han population.