惰性B 细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤与肝炎病毒感染相关性分析

Correlation analysis of indolent B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma and hepatitis virus

  • 摘要: 目的:分析惰性B 细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤(B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma,B-NHL)不同亚型患者乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV )及丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV )感染的情况,探讨惰性B-NHL不同亚型与肝炎病毒感染的相关性。方法:回顾性分析中国医学科学院血液病医院1994年1 月至2014年1 月收治的733 例初诊惰性B-NHL患者的肝炎病毒感染资料。与全国一般人群相对照,比较惰性B-NHL患者与全国一般人群肝炎病毒感染的差异。比较分析惰性B-NHL各亚型患者肝炎病毒感染的情况,并探讨其相关性。结果:733 例惰性B-NHL患者乙肝表面抗原(hepatitis B surface antigen ,HBs-Ag)阳性率为7.9% ,与全国一般人群比较,差异无统计学意义(7.9% vs . 7.2% ,P = 0.548)。 在惰性B-NHL中,脾边缘区淋巴瘤(splenic marginal zone lymphoma,SMZL)48例,HBs-Ag阳性率为18.8% ,明显高于全国一般人群(18.8% vs . 7.2% ,P = 0.002)、其他惰性B-NHL(18.8% vs . 7.2% ,P = 0.004)及其他边缘区淋巴瘤(marginal zone lymphoma ,MZL)患者(18.8% vs . 7.1%,P = 0.005)。惰性 B-NHL其他亚型患者 HBs-Ag阳性率比较全国一般人群,差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 在HBs-Ag阳性患者中,乙肝“大三阳”在惰性B-NHL不同亚型中无显著性差异,但乙肝“小三阳”在SMZL 组占16.7% ,明显高于其他惰性B-NHL组(16.7% vs . 4.7% ,P < 0.001)。 惰性B-NHL患者抗丙型肝炎病毒抗体(hepatitis C virus antibody,HCV-Ab)阳性率为1.9% ,较全国一般人群明显升高(1.9% vs . 0.4% ,P < 0.001)。 其中慢性淋巴细胞白血病(chronic lymphocytic leukemia ,CLL)、淋巴浆细胞性淋巴瘤/ 华氏巨球蛋白血症(lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/waldenström macroglobulinemia ,LPL/WM)、SMZL、毛细胞白血病(hairy cell leukemia ,HCL )、结内边缘区淋巴瘤(nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma,NMZL)组患者抗HCV-Ab 阳性率分别为2.2% 、2.5% 、4.2% 、3.0% 、3.7% 均较全国一般人群明显升高(均P <0.05)。 而慢性B 淋巴细胞增殖性疾病不能分类(B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders,unclassified ,B-LPD-U)、黏膜相关淋巴组织结外边缘区淋巴瘤(extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated tissue lymphoma ,MALT)、B-幼淋巴细胞白血病(B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia,B-PLL )、滤泡性淋巴瘤(follicular lymphoma ,FL)组与全国一般人群比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P > 0.05)。 结论:SMZL 患者HBs-Ag阳性率明显高于全国一般人群及其他惰性B-NHL各亚型,提示HBV 感染与我国SMZL 的发生发展存在一定的相关性。


    Abstract: Objective:To differentiate hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection from hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among different indolent B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL)subtypes. The correlation between indolent B-NHL and hepatitis viral infection was also investi-gated. Methods:A total of 733 indolent B-NHL patients from January 1994to January 2014with integrated clinical information were retrospectively investigated. We compared the hepatitis viral infection between the general population and indolent B- NHL patients. We analyzed the infection rate of hepatitis virus in the different indolent B-NHL subtypes and examined their correlations.Results:The HBs-Ag positive rate of the indolent B-NHL was7. 9%, which was not significantly different with that of the general population ( 7. 9% vs . 7. 2%,P=0. 548 ). Among the different indolent B-NHL subtypes, the 48splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) patients exhibited the highest HBs-Ag positive rate, which was significantly higher than those of the general population ( 18. 8% vs . 7. 2%, P=0. 002 ), other indo-lent B-NHL subtypes (18. 8% vs . 7. 2%,P=0. 004 ), and other marginal zone B cell lymphoma (MZL) patients (18. 8% vs . 7. 1%,P=0. 005 ). The HBs-Ag positive rates between other B-NHL subtypes and the general population were not significantly different. The coexpression of HBs-Ag, HBe-Ag, and anti-HBc-Ab exhibited no significant difference among the various B-NHL subtypes. However, the co-expres-sion of HBs-Ag, HBe-Ab, and anti-HBc-Ab was significantly higher in the SMZL group than the other B-NHL subtypes (16. 7% vs . 4. 7%, P< 0. 001 ).The positive rate of the anti-hepatitis C virus antibody (HCV-Ab) was 1. 9% in 733 indolent B-NHL patients, which was significant -ly higher than in the general population ( 1. 9% vs . 0. 4%, P<0. 001 ). The HCV-Ab positive rates in the chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lym - phoplasmacytic lymphoma/Waldenström macroglobulinemia, SMZL, hairy cell leukemia, nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma group were2. 2%, 2. 5%, 4. 2%, 3%, and 3. 7%, respectively. These values were significantly higher than those of the general population. Prevalence rates of HCV in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, unclassified, extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associat ed tissue lymphoma, B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia, and follicular lymphoma groups were not significantly different compared with the general population. Conclusion: Prevalence rate of HBV was higher in the SMZL group than other indolent B- NHL groups, which suggests that HBV infection may play an etiologic role in SMZL.


