Objective: To investigate the MRI features of hepatic granuloma.
Methods: Data from 12 cases of granuloma (7 cases of tuberculosis, 2 cases of paragonimiasis, and 3 cases of idiopathic granuloma) proved by surgery and pathology were retro-spectively analyzed.All of the patients underwent T
1WI, T
2WI, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI), and diffu-sion weighted imaging (DWI).
Results: A total of 13 lesions were found in these cases, including 4 lesions at the early and middle stages of granuloma and 9 lesions at the fibrosis stage.The lesions at the early and middle stages were hypointense on T1WI, hyperintense on T
2WI, with an ill-defined margin.These lesions showed inhomogeneous circular enhancement in the arterial phase of DCE-MRI and then gradually went to increase in the portal and delayed phase.These lesions were slightly hyperintense on DWI, with an average ADC value of (1.347± 0.379)× 10
-3 mm
2/s and an ADC ratio of 1.103± 0.165.The lesions at the fibrosis stage were hypointense on T1WI, isointense on T2WI, with a well-defined margin.These lesions showed only slight enhancement or no enhancement in DCE-MRI.These lesions showed hyperintense on DWI, with an average ADC value of (1.382± 0.398)× 10
-3 mm
2/s and an ADC ratio of 0.978± 0.116.
Conclusion: The MRI findings may re-flect different stages of hepatic granuloma and are helpful to differentiate it from other liver focal lesions.